TANF Progam Overview TANF was created to help families in need. The TANF bure_listau works with families to help them become self sufficient. TANF's program features include:
Assisting needy families so that children can be cared for in their own homes.
Preventative measures for out of wedlock pregnancy.
The encouragement of two parent families.
Reduction of the dependency of needy parents by assisting with job preparation.
TANF Program Guidelines
Work Guidelines:
1. Recipients of TANF must be working no later than
2 years from the start of receiving the government assistance program TANF. 2. To maintain eligibility toward the States eligibility guidelines, work must consist of employment of no less than 30 hours per week (or 20 hours a week if there is a child in the household under 6 years of age).
TANF Benefits
There is a maximum of 60 months of TANF benefits within one's lifetimes. There is oftentimes a differentiation between adults and children. If you are a child and receive TANF benefits, depending on your State, you could receive another 60 months as an adult.
TANF Eligiblity Requirements
You must be a US Citizen.
- Children must be citizens or have eligible alien status.
- You must have a social security number.
- Your family must earn less than a certain amount of money per month
- Children must be 18 years old or younger. If you are older than 18, you must be a full
time student with an expected graduation date before the age of 20. - Families must have a child
Recent Additions
TANF is about providing assistance for persons along with housing.