Bernalillo County HSD Office NMWorks (Southwest)

Bernalillo County HSD Office NMWorks (Southwest)

(505) 841-2300

3280 Bridge Blvd SW
Albuquerque, NM - 87121

New Mexico NMWorks - Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program.

The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program, known in New Mexico as NMWorks, provides a monthly cash benefit used to meet basic family needs such as housing, utilities, and clothing.

This is the local Income Support Division (ISD) Human Services Office. You can apply for NMWorks at this office.

To qualify for TANF in New Mexico, a person must:
Live in New Mexico
Be below income and resource limits set for the program
Have dependent children age 18 or younger who are citizens or have eligible alien status
- If children are 19, they must be a full-time high school student expected to graduate before the end of the month in which they become 20
Provide information on monthly income following eligibility guidelines.
Eligibility for all programs is partially based on an individual’s or family's countable household income. Levels vary based on the category of eligibility, but all are calculated as a percentage of the Federal Poverty Guidelines (FPL), which are established by the United States Department of Health and Human Services.


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